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“Weird Al” Karaoke is a comedy show that I co-host with Chrissy DeWitt at the Grindstone Theatre. It’s a show where comedians, improvisors and musicians perform original parodies that they wrote themselves, over karaoke tracks of the original songs for an enthusiastic comedy loving audience. Imagine your favourite songs but with new, funnier lyrics.

Originally created by Glenn Macauley in Toronto and performed monthly at Comedy Bar, “Weird Al” Karaoke is a hit comedy show that is performed regularly in Toronto, Vancouver, Winnipeg, Atlanta and of course Edmonton. In 2020 “Weird Al” Karaoke celebrated it’s fifth anniversary in Edmonton.

Here is a music video for one of the first parodies I wrote for Weird Al Karaoke, Shrek 2”, a parody of Cee-lo Green’s “Forget You”.